Friday, January 15, 2010

Little Rock Nine

Today we left the hotel really early and were on the bus in till we got to Little Rock. When we were in Little Rock we went to the Little Rock Nine Museum. And to Central High School where they went to school and talked about how important access to education is.The school was so big-they have 2400 kids attending in present day. When we were there we got to meet Spirit Trickey one of the little rock nine's daughters. We also got to meet Thelma Mothershed-Wair she was one of the little rock nine. She told us about what it was like to integrate the school. She was very nice to us and signed my book for me. When we were done there we went to the capital building where we got to see the Statues of the little rock nine. It was a really good day.

1 comment:

Susan Huston said...

Reading "Warriors Don't Cry" has been really fascinating. The things those brave students went through to make changes that truly needed to be made in our country were astounding to me. You are so lucky to have met a true hero.