Friday, January 15, 2010

Meeting with a member of the Little Rock Nine

Today we woke up at 5 and got on the bus to drive to Little Rock, Arkansas. We got to Little Rock about 2:30 and then we looked through the Little Rock Central High School visitor center. Then we got to talk with Spirit Tricky, Minnijean Brown's daughter. She is a Park Ranger at the National Historic Site. She talked about what her mom went through. Then we talked to Thelma Mothershed Wair and see told us about what see went through during the crisis at Central High. She told us that all the LR nine are still alive and live all over the world. We got to ask her questions and she signed my book. She inspired me to be nice to people! Then we got a to go in side the high school. It is really big and it is still a school now and they have 9-12 graders that attend. Today was the hardest day as far as it goes for emotions just thinking what would of happened if I had to have done that. It still has the same look on the inside as it did 55 years ago and longer than that from when it opened it in 1927. It cost 1.5 million to build the school and it is really big but they said it would cost at least 16 million to build one like it but it would not be as sound and sturdy as it is now.

1 comment:

Susan Huston said...

I wish she could come to DMS to talk to all of our students! I think we have great kids at our school, but I think that at times we all forget the importance of being kind to each other. Ms. Mothershed-Wair has experienced hate and anger on a level I pray I will never endure. Her bravery, along with her friends, really made a difference. I'm not sure I would have been that brave when I was fifteen.