Tuesday, January 12, 2010

My Day in Birmingham and Montgomery

Yesterday we went to the University Alabama-Birmingham. We talked to two professors about the civil rights movement. We talked about racism today and what we can do to make sure that we are making progress from how things used to be. Dr. Huntley told us it is important to get to know people on a personal level so we don't make judgements that are not fair. We got to interview students and ask them questions. I liked getting to know know new people. We rode to Montgomery and watched a video on Rosa Parks. She is an amazing woman. It was good to see her Museum and Library. Even though I have been there before I learned some new things. It is set up really cool and is easy to follow. We also went to an art exhibit and it was awesome. I loved the way the artist used different techniques. Last night we had really good food at Dreamland BBQ. Then we went to the hotel and went swimming. The college students have been so nice to us and I am having so much fun. I am also learning a lot. Talk to you tonight.


Anonymous said...

Cool all of this info and stuff that you guys have been doing sounds like a lot of fun! Talk to you tommorow.

Susan Huston said...

I love the messages you received from Dr. Huntley. Judging someone before knowing them on a personal level goes on all the time in middle school; you all live it each day. I think DeLong Middle School is a wonderful place, but it could be even better if there was less judging.

Anonymous said...

It sound liek you are having fun and learning alot.


Anonymous said...

yup from jake ness p.s i lu